The planetarium is in the ESC, Eyring Science Center, indicated with red. South and East Campus drives along with the normal load/unload area are periodically closed due to construction. For current information about unloading or parking for school busses, please contact the BUY traffic office at (801) 422-7334.
Please enter the ESC through the main entrance on the west side of the building. Outreach groups will be met by a lecturer at the pendulum in the main lobby, and escorted to the planetarium. There are classes in the planetarium immediately preceding most shows, do not go up to the planetarium early and interrupt class.
If your group is late and no one is there to meet you, or no one has come to greet you 5 minutes after your scheduled time, send a representative to the department office (N283 ESC, while the rest of your group waits in the lobby.
Be on time. Shows start promptly at the scheduled time. It is typically not possible to let people enter the planetarium after a show has started. There are often several groups scheduled at the same time, and there are often classes immediately after show times, so we can't start and end late for groups that arrive late.
Children need to understand that they must use best manners while in the building; no running, loud talking etc. The planetarium is located in a classroom building. Any group that disrupts classes will be asked to leave.